I recently enjoyed this series of Yale lectures on Youtube about the Hebrew Bible.
I really liked the woman doing them and she had a lot of knowledge. It does seem quite rare to have such University lectures available. There is a series of Yale lectures about the Christian Bible but I wasn't that keen on the lecturer's style.
Does anyone have suggestions for other scholarly video series or one offs like this one on the subject of Bible or Evolution. It is nice to be able to watch this information sometimes rather than read it. I've watched the odd debate between religious person and evolutionists which have been interesting though it is hard to stomach the pomposity of the staunch religious literalist.
I am an atheist myself but I have recently found it quite interesting to look at what is known about the origins of the bible, the archaeological evidence etc, the cultures out of which it arose, how it came to be etc, as it offers a very different perspective to one we were taught.