This weekend, I was reading my cousin's hard copy of the Entertainment Weekly Prince tribute (May 6, 2016 issue) and came across a very interesting quote. EW journalist Leah Greenblatt, who conducted the last major magazine interview with Prince in August 2015, recounted him saying: "Religion is beautiful as long as you don't become a fanatic and start shutting other people out, other ideas."
Say what?! Prince may have still been a JW, but it sounds like he had a very open-minded approach to it. Maybe he stuck around for the promise of paradise but didn't get into small-mindedness and looking down on non-JWs. I was so glad to read this. Whether or not it's the norm, Prince found some balance in the JW religion.
Unfortunately, I can't link to it because the EW website doesn't have the full article; it just refers you to ways to buy the magazine. I guess it's how to sell magazines in a dying industry. Check it out in a supermarket checkout lane near you.