As Brooklyn Park Stalls, Fingers Point at Watchtower Corporation
by AMNESIANO 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Watchtower is a criminal organization, so this doesn't surprise me. Slick maneuvering for a zoning change, they could at least have done something with the park.
The article says how the area was part of enriching Watchtower which returned nothing back to the area. Good riddance, their neighbors are yelling.
Beth Sarim
This all on the backs of those who recognise the Borg as a tax free charity. Then the Borg goes and uses their 'tax free' status over and over to screw over those who grant them ''tax free''. -
The parks controversy seems to have exposed a long-simmering resentment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, also known as the Watchtower, for planning to leave a city that has enriched the religious group exponentially, community leaders say, yet to which it has given little in return.
“They are the biggest land tycoons in my neighborhood,” Doreen Gallo, the executive director of the Dumbo Neighborhood Alliance, said. “They got to flip commercial manufacturing land for residential developments and now they are flipping it again and leaving.”
Doreen Gallo - "...They are the biggest land tycoons in my neighborhood... They got to flip commercial manufacturing land for residential developments and now they are flipping it again and leaving."
Beautifully put, lady.
Try spinning that as "persecution".
it just amazes me that people like wife can't see the Borg for what it is.
<shaking my head in disgust>
Beth Sarim
%People have believed the Borg for so long it's impossible to do otherwise. About 95% of those.