I called my daughter and told her, please don't encourage my granddaughter to get married until she is 30 or 40. Please let her go further in her education. Art 1,Algebra 11, english, tools for success, spanish 1, and health science all "A". I have known so many JW youths that were very bright and end up working in a job well below their skill level..She is in the 9th grade but Algebra 2 her class is all 11th graders.. School "Technical Academy HS". It wasn't easy getting into that school, she was home school before entering this Academy. One thing I have in my favor, my daughter and husband are not fanatical JW's....
My JW daughter e-mail my 14 year old granddaughter grades.
by James Mixon 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Always remember that according to the Bible Jesus got a technical trade before engaging in any preaching work. That's why he was known as a carpenter.
Some JWs are more receptive to higher education if there is a clear career path rather than just letting a child go off to university so they can "find" themselves.
Maybe ask her about a specific certification she might want to get. A CPA that could get her a job as an accountant? A BSN in nusing? A teacher's certificate so she can be a teacher?
This might help Mom get onboard.
think too of the parable of the men who were given some of their masters money; one invested it, another (I think) bought a field, the other just buried it and there fore gained nothing. He was severely dealt with.
I believe it is a crime not to see talent employed used developed.
James Mixon
jwleaks: good point "Jesus got a technical trade before knocking on doors". LOl GT: Yes , help mom and dad to get onboard. My other JW daughter is a nurse also a A student, so that help. zeb;Mormons encourage their young ones to pursue higher education and they still remain Mormons, what's the big deal. Damn GB......
I have a niece who I encouraged to be a JW along with her sisters and mother , when she was only young.
This niece was very talented in music ,playing the violin and the piano , her school educators wanted her to pursue a career in music by enrolling her in an academy that was prepared to accept her. She refused and chose pioneering ,later married a DH ,JW and she is still living in fantasy land. She used to give solo recitals at concerts while still at school to large audiences.
Her sisters and mother are no longer JW`s and of course niether am I.
I could kick myself for encouraging her on the course she has chosen.
What a waste of talent.
P.S. DH = dickhead
James Mixon
smiddy: It's a bitch when you think, where could she(your niece) be today if wasn't for that cult, maybe performing in Carnegie Hall.
True james what you say , but their is also the guilt ? if thats the right word ? that i have some culpability in where she is today.
However dont get me wrong , she is also responsible for making the choice she did.
And i`m OK with that.