The Jehovah’s Witnesses community in the Netherlands will not hold an independent inquiry into the sexual abuse of members, despite being urged to do so by justice minister Sander Dekker.
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Dutch Jehovah’s Witnesses reject calls for independent inquiry into sexual abuse
by jochie 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thank you for the link and the update! Sounds like the JW's have a lot to hide and are afraid of finding out the truth.
Surprise surprise!
They have fallen into their own trap. The govt there gave them credit they did not deserve for being able to investigate the abuse as if it were just incidental. The govt didn't realize it is systemic of the whole damn sect.
Well I hope they have their own Royal Commission!
Mixed signals? Contrast Finland here:
Where's the much boasted unity? It sure looks like two differing paths.
It sounds like they know exactly what is happening in their congregations, and are digging their heels in, refusing to open their records to their government's investigations.
"We have nothing to hide, so go away and leave us alone!" doesn't sound fishy at all.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses community in the Netherlands will not hold an independent inquiry into the sexual abuse of members,
Why would they open a can of woop-ass
Because heaven forbid agents of "Satan's World" find something wrong with "God's Earthly Organization"...