Hey guys.
First of all, I want to thank everyone for being so welcoming and helpful on this forum...
I was thinking about my last 3 years as a JW when I was attending the Portuguese congregation and learning that language to bring in more converts. Interestingly, we were told NOT to attend meetings in our native language in order to immerse ourselves in the new language. We were only to attend Portuguese meetings, assemblies, memorials and conventions.
I later realized that this allowed me to be deprogrammed from the JW indoctrination. Since I never truly became fluent in the foreign language I was learning, I couldn't fully grasp the information on the platform. This, in addition to the fact I was secretly living a "double life" by dating my non-JW husband, made me feel less inclined to attend every single meeting.
So to those who have attended foreign language meetings or have been part of that field, what have been your experiences? And did you find that they aided or prevented you from being "de-brainwashed"?