“My fightin’ name was Spyder.”

by TerryWalstrom 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TerryWalstrom

    “My fightin’ name was Spyder.”

    A huge man to my right has leaned in. Why do strangers talk to me without provocation on my part?
    He is an enormous man--a man of color. Lines in his face are open novels spinning tales of punishment. Puffy lids and yellowing sockets blink at the bright sunshine outside on the patio at Starbucks. His age? I’m clueless. My guess? About a millennium.

    “These my bodyguards.” Spyder regards his fists like a jeweler appraising a diamond setting.

    He lifts the left and swivels the wrist. A half inch from my chin it stops. Well!

    “This is ‘Oh Lord. It floats in front of me like a bloated corpse in a dark river.

    The other one whistles at a blur and arrives in place of the first.

    “And this is ‘Have Mercy.’ A double murder, I suppose.

    He starts laughing. Shaking his head at some cryptic interior joke then turns back to his own table and sips his coffee.

    I remind you, I haven’t even spoken word one!
    All is silent. For awhile.

    Spyder turns again. He’s facing me.

    (Here we go…)

    “You alright. Ya know?”

    (Is he asking me or telling me?)

    “You too.” (What else should I say?)

    He laughs again. Turns away and sips.

    Finally, he rises on staunch limbs and exhales a long and slow stream of carbon dioxide.

    “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

    He shambles over to a vehicle that appears to be some kind of Humvee and climbs inside.
    'Perfect.' I think to myself. 'Dead solid perfect.'

    I’m a writer, so...
    Here it is.


  • tiki

    That is awesome! Something that actually occurred or just whimsy? Descriptive...toned...succinct. Pow!

  • Giordano

    Nice. Now I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night and think about that encounter.

    Here's my favorite short story by E. Hemmingway.

    Baby shoes for sale....never used.

  • TerryWalstrom

    He was a real guy. More real than real.

    I don't know what the deal was or who he was.
    Maybe it's like clouds. They appear and drop something on you and they're gone.
    He was the weather; unpredictable.

    I probably should have spoken to him by way of conversation. I can do that, ya know.
    I just was...I dunno. Flummoxed?

    Every person we see is a story. Not all stories are tellable. This one barely is.

  • MissFit

    Thanks Terry. I was able to picture him in my mind. Maybe one day you can put all these characters in a story.

    What do you think would happen if he were to meet Psyedelic Jezabel?

  • TerryWalstrom

    Q: What do you think would happen if he were to meet Psychedelic Jezabel?

    A: TV Series!

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