Uniting Church apologizes to victims . Jw.org does not.
by TTaTT4U 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The WTS. never or rarely make an open apology for their actions even though many times they were responsible for lying and deceiving the rest of the members of the JW organization.
The GB members and past presidents deflect responsibility where they are directly at fault, which adds their staid pretentiousness and corruption.
Look and keep a image of sanctifying purity at all times.
LoisLane looking for Superman
When JW..org says they are unable to protect the abused children because of the archaic 2 person rule, any normal person can see right through this. They will see that JW..org wants to continue to hide pedophiles among their ranks. What will JW..org receive from this type of acknowledgement and publicity? Not more adherents. No one (normal) will want to join a church that actively protects pedophiles. Maybe JW..org wants to be known as the World Wide Church of Pedophiles. I am sure they have money in their pants pocket too to fleece. And JW..org is all about the money. Not integrity. Not truthfulness. You who still go, should questioningly look at the new people coming into these "sacred houses for worship". Are they there for the children or to serve JW..org? Yikes!
In the 'field' whether going door to door or 'manning' a cart, what type of person will WT publications attract? Pedophiles? Will normal understandably upset people, speak out against JW's that their religious leaders do not protect their children? Any normal person can see that JW..org stance on this is skewered. Will the back lash on this be, oh my, persecution??? Will they start receiving hateful comments from passersby? "You protect pedophiles! Shame on you!" Thus... they will receive... persecution. Possibly, maybe, that is exactly what Jw..org wants!
WT Apology
How do we view it when ones in positions of congregational authority fall short and do not meet the high standards Jehovah sets? Sadly this does happen from time to time but we must remember that Jehovah is merciful and forgiving. If you have suffered at the hands of a member of the congregation, even if it was an elder, what is the Christian way to act? Jesus said we should forgive our brother 77 times. Are we willing to do that? Or must we, like this world which is controlled by Satan, demand 'justice'? Let us show a forgiving spirit and not bring reproach on Jehovah's name. By doing this we will store up treasures in heaven.
I'm glad. The more brazen their lack of remorse, the guiltier they appear in the eyes of most people, perhaps even some JWs. This puts them a step above the Roman Catholic Church; at least in my opinion.