Can the Watchtower sue one of it's own members?

by JH 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    If an active or inactive JW would post something on this forum or any other board that the Watchtower would consider to be their legal property, could they sue this JW even if he isn't DF'd?

    Or generally speaking, could or would the Watchtower society sue one of it's own active members who would post any sensitive document that is their legal property?

  • Scully

    Suing someone for "leaking sensitive documents" rarely gets an organization what they want to achieve: SILENCE.

    I suspect that if the WTS took anyone to court over "sensitive documents" that (a) they claim do not exist - especially under oath in court and (b) shows that their policies are either immoral, illegal and/or unethical, they will end up with a Public Relations nightmare that will blow them out of the water.

    The WTS knows it too.

    Love, Scully

  • Amazing

    Hi JH: Scully is on target. In the USA anyone can sue anyone over anything ... some States have enacted laws that restrict frivilous claims ... and also, before a case can go to trial, the judge will review its merits in pre-trial hearings. Generally, the Watchtower could sue over a number of things posted, but as Scully pointed out, that is not liklely given the PR problems it could cause.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Also keep in mind that VERY FEW Jehovah's Witnesses are actually MEMBERS of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society; in fact, most Bethelites are not. The only "members" of the WTB&TS are those who are invited to the annual meeting.

    Most JWs are completely unaware of this fact.

  • Scully

    The other thing the WTS knows is that if they were to sue someone over "leaking sensitive documents", those same documents would end up as part of the public domain in court transcripts, evidence, etc.

    That makes it even more unlikely that they will sue anyone over something of this nature.

    Love, Scully

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies
    If an active or inactive JW would post something on this forum or any other board that the Watchtower would consider to be their legal property, could they sue this JW even if he isn't DF'd?

    No, they would never take a brother to court. They would DF him/her first, then start the lawsuit.

  • minimus

    No. 1st they would disfellowship you, then they would take you to court. Remember, you can't take your brother to court. But if he isn't your brother anymore, then, you can sue the bastard.

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