I attended an event this week with my usual closest relatives, which was inside a community center-ish venue with a backyard area. It was given by my cousin's best friend. She invited around 50 people of all age groups and racially-mixed. There was a large buffet, lots of music from SPOTIFY or PANDORA on her niece's device plus various games being played (i.e., spades, online charades, etc.).
What I noticed was how some of the friends were dressed: There was a sister who had multiple ear piercings (3 within her lower lobe and 2 within her upper lobe). Also, she had a small nose piercing in one of her nostrils (the jewel was very cute, btw). In the midst of our conversation, she told me that she is a regular pioneer and has been for 6 years! Furthermore, the niece (of the sister-hostess) and two of her friends (20-25 year olds) were sporting midriff/belly tops with no bras. A few of the young brothers there were hanging around them a whole lot. In addition, there was three other sisters and two other brothers (sisters in there 30-40s; brothers 20-30s) with multiple finger rings--1 or 2 on each finger and thumbs. Some there were also complimenting them on their choice of jewelry during the day.
I hope that I'm not sounding like a complainer or a prude, but didn't the BORG a while back give talks and had info re: dress and grooming, even during times of recreation? I remember when I wanted a second ear piercing (I was in my 20s at the time), an elder's wife overheard me telling this to another 20-ish sister, who had a second piercing herself. The next thing I knew the COs wife took me aside with my mother to tell me that "It does not look good or spiritual for a sister to do so, particularly if you want to become a full-time servant in Jehovah's organization".
Moreover, the music played there was really what some of the brothers and sisters who were and are in the congs I associated with would call "questionable". I like R&B, rap and hip-hop as well, but most of the songs at the event were gangsta-gangsta. Many of the friends rapped and danced to this during the festivities without a care in the world. Only one sister (around 60-65ish) mentioned that "a lot of cuss words are being repeated too many times" in a couple of songs.
So, all in all, I've been noticing a whole lot of changes in the BORG when it comes to a plethora of things. I and many others have been given sooo many dos and don'ts/restrictions throughout the years; and now I see a great amount of differences in the manner in which a number of R&F live their lives. Have anyone else notice similar things going on, too?