wt wants the generation of 1914 to end soon. always has. but making the generation anointed contradicts Jesus. because
Jesus said that the end generation would pass away after all these things, including Armageddon has occurred so, when will the wicked ( non wt believers) pass away? well,
according to wt, living past Armageddon, you are in paradise, 1000 years without dying. The crunch comes with the post millennium final test. ca 3075 CE. again:
The end generation can not be the anointed because they have to die before Armageddon.
but once past Armageddon, as Jesus predicted, the wicked, hiding wickedly, could last another 1000 plus years, no overlapping needed. 3075 here they come.
and dont say the generation are the sheep, wt says they will never die, but Jesus said the generation will pass away.
and dont say it can't happen, it can, because all rebels at that time will be ex- citizens of the 1000 year wt reich,
with all its benefits, perhaps 1000+ years old. how else would they get there?
a 1000 year long generation, no overlap needed.