Report in the news today that Prince is leaving a large portion of his fortune to the watchtower. Bet the gb loves Prince now and his 'questionable' music!
just sayingeyeuse2badub
by eyeuse2badub 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Report in the news today that Prince is leaving a large portion of his fortune to the watchtower. Bet the gb loves Prince now and his 'questionable' music!
just sayingeyeuse2badub
Report in the news today that Prince is leaving a large portion of his fortune to the watchtower.
Sure, if "report in the news" = "some brainless JW posted a rumor on their Facebook page"
AP reported that according to his sister, he left no will.
Let's not let facts get in the way of the insane theories that have flooded this message board since his death.
Bullshit unfound speculation