Tuesday evening I learned that my Aunt Clara died. It was confirmed to me by a poster here who has contacts in the Borg. Apparently she died several years ago, but I wasn't ever told she had died by my heartless Borg family.
I thought back to the old Watchtower of the brother stopping to help a DF woman fix a flat tire. That policy went out the window with the DF of Ray Franz (or was it that Ray was DF because of the change in policy, I forget?). Anyway, now they don't have to do diddly-squat if they meet a DF person lying beaten and robbed in the street. I thought that family business covered death announcements and the like, but apparently not always.
Don't you get tired of this shit? They are supposed to be the epitome of Christ's love on Earth, but where is it? We are treated like future carrion, a meal fit for their dogs after the big-A. Child molesters are treated better than we are!
I told a friend at work about this and she was absolutely appalled that my family wouldn't tell me this. I think most worldly people would be appalled at the callous way that JWs treat their DF relatives.
I got to talking to others in chat about this. I am not the only one who hasn't been informed of family deaths. I am sure many here have experienced other unkind actions at their hands.
What unkind thing have JWs done to you? Have they left you broken down in the road? Have they not informed you of deaths in the family or informed you so late that you couldn't attend the funeral? What is your story about their random acts of unkindness?