by TheLiberator 6 Replies latest social humour
The Rebel
I am a huge Bill Hicks fan, but I am not sure what he is doing on the above poster, as he was no athiest.
Bill Hicks " On June 16 I was diagnosed with having " liver cancer" that had spread to the pancreas. " Why me! . Why now!?"..... Well I know now there may never be any answer to those questions"
Anyway Bill Hicks was no athiest, but he did say this " I have the idea God might be fuckin with our heads"
The Rebel.
p.s Bill Hicks is the guy on the bottom line, smoking either a very long cigarette or a joint next to Stephen Fry and Brad Pitt.
R.I.P Bill Hicks born 1961 death 1994.
Sounds like this guy has some sage life advice straight out of the JW playbook. Listen to your heart/brain, people:
Because we all know that quitting your job based on a sudden emotion to follow your heart is a great idea.