I am colour blind and so is my little brother. I see some colours, but apparently not all. Specifically I can only see the first number in the Ishihara test. Always been that way. My wee brother is exactly the same.
It also means I only see half or less of rainbows and various other stuff.
Then a few months ago I read that someone has invented glasses that enable colour blind people to see what most people see including rainbows and stuff. I was thinking of getting my wee bother a pair for Christmas or birthday. They are pretty expensive.
I wonder if any other colour blind people have heard of these glasses, have tried them, or have an opinion on them. From what I have read the glasses do appear to increase the range of what a colour blind person can see. However, somewhat crucially, a colour blind person cannot pass an Ishihara test while wearing the glasses. So it would appear that whatever the glasses are doing for the perception of a colour blind person they are not exactly reproducing what a person without colour blindness sees. Even so might they be worth getting?