Great site!! May I have your permission to cut and paste items to chatrooms? I WILL NOT PASTE ANY NAMES!! ONLY TEXT. It's a highly informative site; one i am sure will be hit many times if you allow me to bring others to it. Some chatters want direct text pasted, they do not want to open a window while chatting or other reasons.
Even tho I read your article when you wrote it, I went back and re-read it with the thought of all the new ones on the board(myself included, really)and I have to say again:
You have put into words how so many of us feel on trying to figure out who we are and what we stand for without the teachings and beliefs that we felt defined us as individuals for so long. I highly recommend this article to anyone who recently thinking about leaving...or just needs a reminder "lift".
Keep up the good work, have a way with words(and with your hands, lips, etc....but we won't go into that now)