Here's a link to the USA Today article. Let's hope the verdict sets a precedent in Delaware.... @least it would be a start.
Interesting News Article Re: JW Sexual Abuse in Delaware
by HomebytheSea 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I find it interesting that they want to be viewed like Catholic priests... -
Someone should track all these news stories from everywhere in the world, and mail them repeatedly to the Warwick City Counsel, What would happen if people (tens, hundreds, thousands) sent letters to the Warwick City Council, and/or started picketing Warwick Council meetings or every city function?
Not particularly that they are harboring pedophiles, but the people behind the cover-ups that condone it. It's not Rome. Just a small community that will show up world-wide for all the wrong reasons.
Instead of fighting to change laws & make reporting mandatory for all clergy members so kids can be protected, they do as little as possible! Oh, I forgot, they're no part of the world.... -
Boeing Stratofortress
Is this going to be in the November 10 (Tuesday) paper edition of USA Today? Or has it already been printed?
It'd be nice to shove that in their faces at the cart...especially (some) of the seniors who aren't trusting of anything off the internet.
I'm not sure. I only read the online article. I'll see what I can find out. -
It's very hard to know where to draw a very fine line. The Catholic confessional is the epitome of expectation of privacy AND religion. Truly if you take that away, real bad people may never seek any help at all and keep molesting.
I'm still waiting to see the Spotlight movie. But when more that a few people in a Church KNOWS and legally fight against charges (the confessional has been broke) are guilty of a cover-up.