My Book of Bible Stories. Comedy sketch

by usualusername1 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername1

    Guys. I am trying to write a stand up comedy sketch on My Book of Bible stories.

    One idea is how the violence, rape have helped me with making decisions as an adult.

    Another idea is to pretend the book is being released today and attempt to sell the book and stories to the audience.

    Do you have any ideas?


  • LoveUniHateExams

    Another idea is to pretend the book is being released today and attempt to sell the book and stories to the audience - I think this might have comedy potential.

    How about going one further and have a situation where 'My Book of Bible Stories' is being considered for release as a full length feature film or TV series.

    The main joke being that although it's meant to be for kids, such a film would be lucky to get an R rating.

    What with a woman driving a tent peg through a man's head, Lot banging his daughters, God going ape and drowning babies in the Flood, etc., it' d probably get an X rating or NC-17 rating.

  • berrygerry

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