This Fight ....Rutherford

by jaydee 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jaydee
  • Finkelstein

    Rutherford's rant on how governments were repressing him from conducting his false prophet publishing company.

    Persecution persecution persecution to the true followers of Jesus !

    The WTS still to this day use any opposition or banning as a means to self identify themselves as god's chosen ones.

  • steve2

    No man in the past century has done vituperative indignation and foolhardy demands better than Rutherford. He was one classy loose canon.

    The bite-back is that he wrote his missives in the lap of luxury and with the aid of spirits - not the heavenly type but the intoxicating.

    Of course, in the day it made rank and file Witnesses' lives even more oppressed at the hands of secular authorities and 'the churches of Christendom'. You could even argue that in an untold number of instances it cost Witnesses their lives - look at his letter to Hitler.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, Rutherfords manner was so awful and tactless!

    We found an original copy of his 1940 booklet "The Fifth Column" in the State Library last weekend.

    It was so full of blatant statements designed to incite anger towards the govts of all nations. After reading it, there is no wonder why "persecution" took place on JWs!

    They brought it on themselves with this awful tirade of comments.

    They poked the hornets nests....then complained when they got stung!

  • dogon

    Alcohol abuse is very destructive. Old Ruthaford was a boozer.

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