Enric Hernàndez (@Enric_Hernandez), director of El Periódico (www.periodico.es) has written an Editorial this morning. Very interesting !!
Translation :
Jehovah's Witnesses are a religious entity meeting the requirements set by the state, it is registered since 1970 and has the legal recognition of "deeply rooted", granted by the Advisory Commission on Religious Freedom, for ten years now. We can not speak strictly because of sectarian problem in relation to their situation, but the fact is that we can reasonably doubt from certain practices. One of the most notorious is the ban of blood transfusions, a detail which is always questionable and even more so when it comes to minors.
Another, perhaps less known, is the existence of parallel state courts, a domestic judicial committees that oversee the maintenance of moral norms governing this theocratic organization. The incidence of this type of -opaque, secret and inquisitional- in people who suffer implies for them a personal humiliation that even reaches the family rootlessness judgments.
Some recent cases of corruption and allegations of abuse; discipline and centralized religious-business structure in a multinational based in New York; and examples such as this publishing newspaper (El Periodico) referring to an almost sectarian, insistent, archaic and with touches of homophobia pressure, should alert us against any violation of the freedom of citizens, believers or not.