In the newest Governing Body update Loesche recounts the experience of a JW who was pleased with the results of resuming In-person ministry. He said, 'I thought people would be scared of the virus, but they were welcoming!' - 🤣 Um maybe he doesn't get out much because Kingdom Halls are one of the few places left except hospitals that require masks. I still hear local JWs saying how we're in the "middle of a pandemic"... Such a slow moving spiritual chariot, they're behind on everything!
JWs still paranoid about covid
by neat blue dog 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They didn't seem too scared of it when it was still new, and when next to nothing was known about it. How dangerous is it? They could have been spreading a disease as serious as the Plague, for all we knew about it back then--yet they were still doing field circus door to door.
Now, we know that it barely causes any sickness at all--and that being exposed to it while taking simple quercetin will render the "disease" so wimpy that you would get sicker simply breathing the dry cleaning fumes from people's suits. And yet they still expect people to wear those useless masks, after we know they do not work and that the "disease" is the wimpiest on the planet? Not to mention, trying to require vaccines that are the real threat as a condition to returning, on the whim of just one hounder?
A brother in the u.s. commented. "Our family loves being back in the kingdom hall on these beautiful Sunday afternoons wearing a mask for 2hours!"
Anna Marina
A nurse told me that one of the first thing they learnt as nurses is that viruses spread in warm damp environments. A mask causes a warm damp environment right in front of your nose and mouth. It is really bad practice to wear them.
Your lungs are excretory organs what you breath away from you, should go away from you.
The reason why a surgeon wears a mask is not to stop him getting an infection (you'd need a much more substantial face mask for that) but to stop anything from a cough or sneeze from the surgeon going into the open wound he is working on.
Just heard through the grapevine in my area that several JW's have recently come down with the latest variant. More transmissible, less dangerous. But the word is that everyone must now submit to all the GB mandated "guidelines" again, yet in all their fear of the virus they are still going ahead with in person meetings. SMDH
road to nowhere
CO was disappointed I never got it. Or if did it was too mild to notice. I am the vulnerable group.
They have a need of fear. The focus should be on flu in general, heart attacks, stroke, cancer.
I keep hoping for another surge to close u s down again. Maybe we need a internet and power failure so brother IKantlead will be unable to keep track.
Anna Marina
Keep your fingers crossed for pandemic monkey pox (the symptomless version of course, which is even more contagious than contagion itself).