The famous wedding/ water into wine scene where he basically tells me mother to hop it and that he's nothing to do with her is what I am referring to.
Now the WT tries to claim that this is not disrespectful and that Jesus says this in a kindly manner which somehow makes it all OK. But then the WT have never been big on respecting women so this probably would make sense to them.
But the fact is that in the ten commandments the Jews were commanded to respect their parents, in fact if a child was disrespectful to the parents the parents were to stone the child and... If the parents didn't the tribe were to stone them too.
So by being disrespectful towards his mother Jesus was breaking gods law, by not stoning him Mary and Joseph were breaking gods law and by not stoning them the tribe were breaking gods law.
What do you think? The WT's explanation of jesus's behaviour never did sit well with me. Do you agree? Do you think Jesus was disrespectful to his mother?