Continuing your thought of Biblical "adoration", I think this is the biggest hurdle to scale in attempting to get an accurate picture of historical times and events of the period it covers. The sacralising of texts in the fourth century by the Catholic Church has formed an overwhelming tradition for an unthinking high regard for the Bible.
Darwin's biological evidence in Origin of the Species (1859) shocked the Christian world for its blow to Bible literalism. Yet nearly one hundred and sixty years later people still parrot "the Bible is God's word" and because people take things on trust, few find out for themselves how unreliable and misleading it really is.
The Holy book is nothing like divine wisdom, like Brighton rock the Bible has human frailty written though its length; savage retribution, nationalism, power along with fawning servility, conceit and hopeless dreams are its core material.
I agree with you DM, once we understand the Bible as human in origin we can then see how certain peoples thought in the past and note that in the 21st century we have at least made some progress towards democratic civilisation.