Memorial is upon us and looking for material to fi my next video.I wonder if you can help.I know there is a loose connection between black mass and the Memorial because both desecrate and disrespect the host but does any one know when the arrangement of passing the bread and the wine started and by whom?
Black Mass and the Memorial
by raymond frantz 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
neat blue dog
There is no single known originator or ceremony. A list of known recorded stories and legends in historical order can be found here:
I do not mean to state the obvious, but I would imagine what you are referring to is when did Jehovah's Witness begin the practice of no partaking of the wine and bread at Christ's Memorial? I believe it would have been starting in 1936 as it was the 1935 Convention held May 30 - June 2 in Washington, D.C. that the "Other Sheep" were first spoken of. I could be wrong.
It is confusing because there were several dates going back to Russell's days that the Watchtower proclaimed all 144,000 were sealed. I read somewhere that starting in 1966 there was no more heavenly calling and, if there was, it was because one of the annointed on Earth "fell away". This means it could go all the way back to the late 1800s when we first had "companions" of the 144,000 attending a Memorial.
I have been unable to locate a date as to when the first Memorial of Christ's Death was held.
raymond frantz
Thanks truth be known, I suppose the question is when the passing of the emblems was formulated to the ritual we gave today with everyone including the speaker momentarily holding them
The Watch Tower 1880, April, pg.94 states that Russell and others, had been celebrating the Passover or Memorial for several years
prior to 1880. In 1880 they met in the home of W.H. Conley
It has for several years been the custom of many of us
here in Pittsburgh to do this; i. e., remember the Passover, and
eat the emblems of our Lord's body and blood, and it has ever
been an occasion of solemn pleasure and communion, and was
particularly so this year.
We met on the night of March 24th, as usual, at the house of Brother and Sister Conley (it being the most commodious) ; and ate together the unleavened bread-eating, meantime "the truth" which it symbolized, viz:
That Jesus was unleavened (without sin), holy, harmless, undefiled,
and therefore food "of which, if a man eat, he shall never die." We said, with Paul, "Christ, our Passover is slain; therefore, let us keep the feast."-------------------------------
This suggests that Russell felt he was of the anointed before the incorporation of the Watchtower Society in 1884. Russell and others felt of the anointed under the direction of W.H. Conley.
See the Red Boxes. Click the image to Zoom in.
Atlantis! -
I remember as a child watching the bizarre scene where the speaker and attendants would pass them back and forth to each other.
Like, dude, you have just been going down each row being handed it from the one in front and passing it to the next behind, but you think that doesn't count as a legit handoff ... so you have to do "to me, to you" handover like the Chuckle Brothers?
I guess though the bible does describe Jesus taking the wine, passing it to Judas, and saying "This means my blood, and now you have to give it back to me so I can give it back to you again before you pass it on" and Judas saying "WTF is wrong with you?"
Same here. Definitely a WT WTF moment.
The absurd redundancy of that extra pass & repass ritual was always exasperating watch. Once I officially inquired about it, and was informed (in writing) that the practise was to allow for a partaking scenario... where if a server attendant or the speaker was a known partaker, or may become a new partaker, the emblems had to be served to him. A partaker evidently should not partake on the move as an roving attendant server, and the speaker should not serve himself to partake. They must receive it. Culty rule.
Imagine a server casually partaking as he walks an emblem up the aisle
raymond frantz
There is a debate in the Catholic Church today whether the emblems should be taken by hand or directly placed in the tongue by the pastor.They believe it is a disrespectful thing to take the emblems by hand Considering that desecration of the Host was meant to display disrespect towards the Catholic version of taking from the bread and the wine then we see a version of this disrespect in the JW version of passing the bread and the wine.
What do you think?
I remember some video or something on the jw memorial being compared to a Satanic ritual where they too reject the body & blood of Christ. Don't remember where I saw it.