Announcemt regarding meeting attendance.
by pistolpete 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
I think this virus is spread via Zoom software.
I just hope they recognize there is a disease that is far more serious than this wimp coronavirus. It is called Christi-SCAM-ity, and is spread through that bible and washtowel publications. Why go through that soul-destroying disease? And no, Zoom does no good, any more than those masks and sanitizing everything. In fact, Christi-SCAM-ity is more serious than that H5N1 flu.
And, unlike coronavirus, Christi-SCAM-ity makes its victims waste their time and money spreading this cancer through the whole world. That bible gives advice that is detrimental to everyone involved, and this jesus thing is nothing more than the archetype of the perfect slave (which you will become if you catch this disease). People affected by this disease waste their money donating to the spread of the disease, and often find themselves doing short or long missions in other parts of the earth (including "serving where the need is greater). They also do things that are detrimental to their race or the whole of humanity, including not defending themselves.
Also, unlike coronavirus, there is no such thing as a "mild" or "moderate" case of Christi-SCAM-ity. All cases of this vile disease are critical, and they threaten your very soul. Complications include celibacy because you are told to stay single or because you chose to serve this disease, extreme poverty caused by not taking jobs (too busy in the ministry), sickness due to not getting enough sleep or a lousy diet, and general hardships. This is programmed into your soul, and can be extremely difficult to impossible to remove later. And you thought "long COVID" is bad?
And no, masks are not going to do any good here. Even a N99 mask will do no good. As for vaccinations, those do not work--the only "vaccination" against Christi-SCAM-ity is to recognize it for the depopulation tool it is, and even that can be useless if it is forced on you. And sorry, even the Amazon "shot", so effective against coronavirus, is worthless against Christi-SCAM-ity.
How do you know if you have been exposed to Covid? The man on the bus might have it , maybe.
Interesting that they specify a proper N95 mask. Are the attendants going to send them home if their mask is not correct? ... it’s a good excuse not to answer up .
Seems they are trying to both be careful and still have people together... That cannot be done, it’s one or the other.
I particularly love paragraph 2:
"OK, sure, your Kingdom Hall may not have sufficient sanitary standards yet, but go back there anyway."
I'm tellin' ya, just as I posted earlier - the spread of the BA2 variant is still increasing - the "special" talk and Memorial will be superspreader events.
As the Reddit comments point out - something weird going on. Two years of "we're going to be far far far far FAR more cautious than everyone else" and then suddenly BAM! Go back to your meetings in 2 weeks whether the Kingdom Hall is safe or not.
For coordinators of body of elders;
St George of England
1. Since some publishers may have concerns about attending meetings in person, please contact
each family in your group to answer any questions that they may have. (sfl chap. 7 par. 2
pt. 1) Listen with empathy, and address any needs with kindness and patience. (Jas. 1:19) Also,
for the safety of each publisher, orally share the reminders in the announcement in paragraph
1 of the “For Coordinators of the Bodies of Elders” section of this document. Personal choices
regarding whether to attend in person should be respected
Another case of if it's not in writing we cannot be held responsible.
Yeah, that language in the "Health Notice" about "confirming" you haven't been "exposed to COVID 19 in the past 10 days"....
Given how many people (vaxed and unvaxed) are asymptomatic carriers, it is completely impossible for anyone (unless living in a plastic bubble) to "confirm" what the statement says.
This smacks of the legal department scrambling to catch up to the GB's reckless directive with a CYA statement.
So, in the case my "superspreader" supposition really does prove true, and thousands (or 10's or 100s of thousands) of JWs get sick after attending the Memorial, no one can sue the congregation and/or the WTS because everyone there in person "confirmed" they were not recently exposed to COVID. The onus is on the individuals attending the event, not the sponsor of the event.
It is simultaneously alarming and stomach-churning.
Oh, here's another puzzle:
The "Health Notice" is supposed to be posted at the Kingdom Hall.
Wouldn't that mean it is.....drum writing?
Why are group overseers only supposed to share it "orally" prior to anyone going to the Kingdom Hall?
The inconsistency is remarkable. Unless, of course, the entire point of the "Health Notice" has nothing to do with "health" and everything to do with "hey, Mr. Unbelieving Mate, don't even think about a wrongful death lawsuit because your JW wife went the KH and got COVID and died".
Why are group overseers only supposed to share it "orally" prior to anyone going to the Kingdom Hall?
The inconsistency is remarkable. Unless, of course, the entire point of the "Health Notice" has nothing to do with "health" and everything to do with "hey, Mr. Unbelieving Mate, don't even think about a wrongful death lawsuit because your JW wife went the KH and got COVID and died".FFGhost gets it.