"The Truth" - It's just a made up Reality Show

by stumbledbyothers 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stumbledbyothers

    Jehovah is a made up name. Not God's real name.

    Therefore Jehovah's Witnesses is a made up name for a made-up God.

    Therefore when you got baptized, you got baptized in the name of a made up Religion backed up by a made up God's name.

    Therefore Jesus did not appoint the Governing Body since it wasn't in existence then. No wonder the July 2020 WT tells you that you have to be convinced God has an organization.

    What does this mean? You are a member of a made up God, a made up truth (religion) that is not backed up by God since the Governing Body did not exist at the time, therefore you do not have the truth of the bible. No wonder the July 2020 WT, you are told (since you are not told to think) to be convinced Jehovah's Witnesses is who God is using. Yes the made up God.

    So if you are asked - Do you believe that this is Jehovah's organization- you can with confidence say YES! after all it's the name of the made up God you represent in the Reality Show called 'The Truth"

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    There are some 30,000- 40,000 different Christian sects/faiths.

    39,999 started by men and women who thought that they knew better than the one and only church started by Jesus Christ himself. That is why the church that Jesus started is credited with giving the world charities, hospitals, old age homes, universities, the free market economy, etc, etc

    All of the other 39,999 protesting churchs' fruits all together just cannot compare.

    Who was that man that started the WTS again? Jesus? No. Just like WTS fruits. Non existent


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  • eyeuse2badub

    All religions, just like the so called Holy Books they follow are man made thus the eternal truth of the expression;

    "In the beginning, man created god!" That's why each religion has the troff!

    just saying!

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  • Longlivetherenegades

    No wonder the July 2020 WT tells you that you have to be convinced God has an organization.

    I wonder how the feeling will be if the above statement is made to fit the TRINITY teaching. Lool

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