A few years ago I built a 6 inch snowman on a picnic table at the assembly hall. Just whimsy during lunch, no one was out in the cold. I thought maybe some kids would get a little enjoyment. Within a half hour it was gone. Probably was demonized or an idol. Next time it will be a calf if I can find some gold glitter. (Assuming I ever am back there)
Snowman at assembly hall
by road to nowhere 7 Replies latest jw friends
What's wrong with a snowman? I remember some people on this board saying they put seasonal themed items in their yard and didn't get blowback from elders. Snowflakes, snowmen, floral flag in spring as decoration, etc.... though come to think of it, one of the people did say they were married to the elder at that time so 'rules for thee but not for me' comes to mind.
I have seen JWs who had a wreath that was not an xmas wreath but was made of sticks and twigs ect. On their door all year. She was an elders daughter so I guess she got a pass. I have seen JWs who would not let their kids play any video games, TV or most anything other than the cult literature.
Undoubtedly some self-important "attendant" (the only title he will ever hold) saw the need to remove the frivolous snowman which detracted from the dignity of the weighty spiritual banquet in progress.
I think I saw it come to life and walk away on its own, obviously demonized.
Maybe you put the nose in the wrong place?
neat blue dog
The snowman didn't have a necktie and suit jacket obviously.
Did the snowman have a beard ? You know that`s a no no .
He didn`t have tight pants on did he ?