In The Netherlands, an action going on to get two brothers from Sierra Leone a residence permit.
The men fled the horrible civil war in their country when 14 and 11 years old. Without parents.
They have now lived in The Netherlands more than half of their lives. They are well educated, have nothing in Sierra Leone and everything in The Netherlands. They want to contribute to society but they can't, because they are illegal residents thus not allowed to have a job.
One of the men is an active JW (a young orphan refugee ends up in a cult, what a surprise....)
Since they can be evicted any day, people have started lobbying for them. Local politicians and churches actively support their cause. A petition to parliament has been started. There have been and will be protest rallies and visits to the parliament.
One can only wonder:
- Will the JW be counseled or punished for allowing politicians and churches helping him?
- Will people see the difference between Watchtower and JW not doing anything for their spiritual brother, while other organizations including 'competing' churches quite literally try your save his life?
- At what point can discussing your cause with politicians, or going to parliament, or protesting be classified as 'being involved in politics'? How does it compare with not joining labor unions as to avoid any connection to 'political' actions? Where is the line between OK and being disfellowshipped?
FYI I fully support that these guys should get to stay in The Netherlands. Just wondering about the JW implications.