Ex JW's - Sometimes it's all relative...

by TresHappy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    This evening I had a wonderful conversation with a distant cousin of mine who called me from California. My grandmother and her father were siblings, so I guess we're second cousins? Maybe first cousins once removed? She had been raised in JW's and left over 20 years ago. I knew my great uncle had been a Witness, but I never really knew his kids. When grandmother died in May, I asked around to see if anyone had called to tell their cousins that their aunt (my grandmother) had died. My mom said "no, they're all disfellowshipped." So last week I took it upon myself to locate one of the 4 sisters via the Internet. She was floored that no one had contacted them about their aunt. I apologized and said well, you know the JW thing. I heard from another one of the sisters tonight and it was so cool to meet her via the phone. She's coming to Texas in April for a wedding so I will get to meet her.

    Kind of cool, ain't it?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Kewl beans, Tres! It'll be kinda like havin' a whole new family...YEEHAAA! Les sait les bon temps roulez!

    Frannie Banannie

  • cat1759


    That is so awesome! To connect with family is the best.

    Have a great time with your visit!


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