The GB is probably kicking themselves for not tapping into this revenue source! The missed the boat on all the JW dot borg paraphernalia and chotchkies that litter the internet. They could have sold the software and hardware to line their wallets (like the KH monitors, AV systems, and trolleys.) Unfortunately, people can't stuff the donation box while sitting at home watching and listening to the meeting as they vacuum or cook. In my last days, I remember the elders clamping down on providing audio access to the meetings for those that are truly invalid or sick. Some would call in on speaker phone as they got caught up on secular paperwork at their office. My 30 and 40 something ex was notorious for staying at home in comfy clothes on the couch and calling in. The elders cut her off and would change the passcode on a regular basis. So much for getting their spiritual food from the comfort of the living room. I see a strongly worded letter from the CCJW to the congregations in the future. Maybe the borg can team up with the franchise and offer "pay per view" streaming like a boxing or wrestling match. They are going to have to get more creative and provide more revenue streams to the Warwick compound.