I switched on the tv the other night late. There was a lady preacher Joyce? who said there are four things that prevent us becoming fulfilled in our lives.
Is she talking about the wt? No just generally.
by zeb 5 Replies latest jw friends
I switched on the tv the other night late. There was a lady preacher Joyce? who said there are four things that prevent us becoming fulfilled in our lives.
Is she talking about the wt? No just generally.
ewwww....if it's who I'm thinking of. She is arrogant.
And wrong.
Yes, suffering itself prevents us becoming fulfilled in life, not just fear of suffering or worry about it.
You can get proof of this by asking a starving child who is living in a war zone. It is not the fear of her house getting blown up. It is not the fear of not having enough to eat. It's the actual experience of having her house blown up, being homeless, being injured, having her innocent parents killed in a completely senseless act of violence, and the discomfort of starving that is causing her to be unfulfilled.
A beautiful response R8 thanks
Joyce Meyer ? She is probably more than likely aiming those words to her USA audience and the western world who dont live in a war zone ,and have the same suffering and concerns you so rightly mention rebel 8.
The Bible she preachers to her captive audience are all under that umberella of fear ,guilt,insecurity and worry if they dont measure up to the standards of the christianity she preaches.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Joyce Meyer caters, not to the well-read, but the well-fed. The moneyed, American masses who throng to her shows need a way to turn guilt into comfort and Ms Meyer fits the bill perfectly. Her honeyed confrontations create the necessary "difficulty" that lends her message mock back-bone. She is not fluffy which is far from praise.
Joyce Meyer, yep, that's who I had in mind. She rants on about first world, "worried well" problems, and the faux humility that I hated in xianity:
Let me tell everyone, in great detail, how HORRIBLE a minor personality flaw of mine is so I can LOOK humble and spiritual. Meanwhile, I can keep my serious issues to myself and they are perfectly justified by my religion.
People in the first world, too, suffer. Let's not let God off the hook for allowing the suffering while pretending it's our reaction to it that's the problem. Talk about blaming the victim.
Sorry but Joyce Meyer is a major pet peeve of mine.