This is to ask whether any of you out there have first-hand knowledge of lives possibly lost ( I say POSSIBLY because any such procedure isasmittedly fraught with risks) because of the 13-year JW transplant ban..
WT Organ Transplant Ban 1967-80: The Human Cost?
by Room 215 7 Replies latest forum announcements
This is too agonising to contemplate. It's a very "apropos" question, Roomie.
Cheers, Ozzie
This is to ask whether any of you out there have first-hand knowledge of lives possibly lost
Yes, my Dad. He died in 1978...and 2 years later they changed the policy.
A friends dad died in 71/72. He needed and refused a kidney transplant. He left behind a wife and 3 children, the youngest being 3 years of age. Years later, my friend inherited the same problem as his father but was allowed the tranplant. He lived for another 5 years before cancer took him.
Reading the sacrifices that people have made for no good reason.
Damn - just makes me feel sick to my stomach.
The WTS is so damned concerned about others being bloodguilty or "stumbling" others.
They have no room to speak. They have killed thousands with their policies. THEY are bloodguilty, and I have been "stumbled."
Don't forget to add on all the people who could have benefitted from JW-donated organs!