Religion - How Should It Be Financed?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    The WTS must think that only worldlies are going to read this. I was reading this article which they posted on their website titled Religion- How Should It Be Financed?

    It appears that the WTS is trying to say that they finance their entire operation through 'voluntary donations'. They even show a photo as seen here of someone dropping cash into a box. Chances are, this guy dropped more in the donation box than he did for his kid's college fund but anyway, the following is what came to mind as I read this:

    Why don't they show the box next to the 'literature counter' at the KH?

    Why don't they show a JW dropping $20 in the box in exchange for a stack of Awake mags?

    Why didn't this article talk about how the literature is distributed for a fee which they call a 'voluntary donation' in third world countries?

    Why doesn't it mention that the WTS is able to fund it's operations through non-profit tax loopholes and by paying it's workers less than the U.S. minimum wage without even a retirement plan?

    Considering the donations made for their publications and 'worldwide work', tithing is actually a bargain.

    Consider this:

    - If I earn $20,000 a year and I tithe 10% I'm giving God $2,000 a year and I'm done.

    - However, if I'm an active J-Dub who donates accordingly for 50 Watchtowers, 25 Awakes, 15 books and 10 Bibles a month - at an average of $2.50 per publication (this is how much they would expect to get from a householder) this would total $250.00 a month, or $3000.00 yearly.

    - This amount will increase if I purchase the new literature which is introduced at every annual convention and even more when I donate for the 'Worldwide Work'. Don't forget, there are two types of donation boxes at the KH. One for the congregation and the other for the worldwide work. I'm easily spending more than $3200.00 at this point.

    In conclusion, you're better off tithing then to be exploited at the expense of your children's education.

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah, they don't out-right tithe the people... they just subject the people to huge amounts of guilt until they start "giving of their own accord".

  • reporter

    And then, at the end of a life of faithfully serving Jehovah unpaid voluntary slave labor, they are encouraged guilted to will their assets to the Society in the furtherance of the "worldwide voluntary Bible educational" work preaching the Good News about a Kingdom that is about to destroy virtually the entire world population and its institutions including World Trade Center (oops somebody already took care of that for them) and other prominent worldy buildings...

  • Hamas

    There was a similar post not so long ago.

    I said then what I shall say now :

    If it is for the good of the people, it should be funded.

    The WT is not for the good of the people, therefor should not be funded.

  • Phil

    Religions should be financed by the people that benefit from it. I and many people like me get absolutely nothing from all religions that exist in this world. Why should I pay taxes for such institutions when I get nothing out of them, especially the cults who for the most part, inflict the most damage to our society and the people in it.


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