After doing some critical research upon the Watchtower Corporation and its activity as a religious publishing house one can clearly see this is a commercialized false prophet run by sinning apostate men.
So the question remains why are people adhering and supporting this organization thinking they are going to gain salvation come judgment day by Jesus ?
Jesus laid out instructions in how to identify false Prophets, maybe he should have elaborated and said something about false Prophets who would sell his gospel for profit. $$$
This relates to more than the men who ran the WTS. there are hundreds who have sold the Gospel of Jesus and pocketed the money to live off, usually by exploiting and manipulating the prophecies in the book of Revelation.
Religious charlatans have been doing this by publishing literature and selling them to the public going right back to the 1800's, disregarding Jesus's own instructions for preaching his gospel in the process.
Hypothetically thinking, how would Jesus react or do if he saw his apostles selling his Gospel on the streets to where he preached and traveled about. ?