Fox News article - Eloise Dupuis

by OrphanCrow 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • OrphanCrow

    After new mom's death, Jehovah's Witnesses take heat

    A Quebec coroner opened an inquest, but Health Minister Gaetan Barrette said Dupuis made the choice on her own.
    "She knew, and she made it clear, that if something was to happen, because of her religion she didn't want any transfusion," he told the CBC.
    A former church member describes the committees as "intimidating," but the church defends them. They are "not surrogate decision makers for patients" and are "generally well received in the medical community and recognized as contributing to advances in bloodless medicine and surgery," the church said in a statement.
    A spokesman says the church is confident the inquest will show the legal standard for consent was met.

    I think this is an indication that the inquest isn't going to do much.

    The HLC is firmly embedded into the Canadian health care system and they have the backing of the people who are important and have influence: the Quebec Health Minister and the blood(less)/blood management industry.

    The WT's HLC has the backing that counts - the community at large is up against decades of bricklaying work that the Watchtower has already laid and that fortification is pretty strong - it goes all the way up to the United Nations.

    Of course the org is confident. They have had years and years to prepare for this. This recent blood death is just a blip on the screen...and a reason to watch the stock market for the biotech companies that the bloodless industry supports

  • StarTrekAngel

    They should have been in our last assembly where a drama representing a brother consulting elders on this very topic was shown. The elder said "Before I can say yes (to the medical treatment in question), I need to know the details..." (perfect example of elders making medical decisions for a third person)

  • TheWonderofYou

    Happily there is yet a father who cares for the child.

    A JW mother or father with minor children should not be allowed to refuse a necessary and available treatment on grounds of public interest. They should be urged by court decision to performed their parental care until the children are 18 and independent.

    The court would say "Okay we let you die, but only after 18 years are over and your child is grown up. So long you have to serve Cesars' will and care for your children. After the 18 years you can give God back what is God's, your blood, if you like. But didnt God say that children are a gem, somewhere in your bible and that responsibilty counts most?"

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The sleazy WT society will have their bank of lawyers ready to go on this one. There is no way they will lose.

  • TheWonderofYou

    "Any blood which is removed from the body, must be disposed of. As the principle is held to be a high moral one it may not be disregarded even in emergent circumstancdes". US army policy No. 41 J.W. care ..... simply as recollection.

  • OrphanCrow
    Wonder: A JW mother or father with minor children should not be allowed to refuse a necessary and available treatment on grounds of public interest. They should be urged by court decision to performed their parental care until the children are 18 and independent.

    Anyone who chooses to refuse a life saving procedure in the face of leaving a newborn child behind should be declared mentally incompetent.

    Any other kind of phobia - and in the case of the JWs...blood refusal is more of a phobia than anything else - would be treated as a mental disorder and the patient declared not of sound mind.

    StarTrekAngel: They should have been in our last assembly where a drama representing a brother consulting elders on this very topic was shown. The elder said "Before I can say yes (to the medical treatment in question), I need to know the details..." (perfect example of elders making medical decisions for a third person)

    It is not right that untrained elders put themselves in the position of giving medical advice to pregnant women. Ugh...imagine being a young JW woman and having to discuss your pregnancy with either some old, uneducated elder or some snot nosed 18 year old JW male who just got appointed over you. To have to sit down with them and discuss what your care plans are going to be. About procedures and treatment they know very little about.

    Eloise's coercion happened long before she was ever admitted to the hospital. It started here (and even before that with promises of paradise and threats of Armageddon in the children's book):

    And it continued here:

    This is the package that the elders recently received on how to deal with pregnant JW women. Note that this care plan has been 'simplified".

    - September 3, 2016 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS RE: Care Plan Simplification

    - Outline for Discussion of Care Plan with Publisher HID-CP-OTLN

    - Care Plan for Women in Labour Refusing Blood Transfusion HID-CP-GH Jan 2011

    - Instructions for use of Care Plan HID-CP-INSTR

    - Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies; Awake article reprint g0911A-E_Healthy_Mothers_Healthy_Babies

    Also note that these forms do not address any of the risks involved in choosing alternative procedures. Nowhere is a JW woman told of how her blood refusal puts her in one of the highest categories of risk for maternal death or that the recommended/approved procedures are off label use.

    *thanks to wifibandit for those links

  • AndersonsInfo

    Here's a link to an article which appears to be the one that the link Orphan Crow posted is quoted from:

    Title: Jehovah's Witnesses defend hospital visits that push for bloodless treatment, published October 23rd.

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