When you have been out a long time like I have, these thoughts don't enter your mind anymore.
When I was in and was getting another car at some point a nervy idiot sister said something about 'making sure I get a four-door for service' which I replied: 'if they're paying my car payments then they can tell me what kind of car I should get'.
When I started my "fade" I got rid of all the dowdy dresses I had and got more stylish things with somewhat shorter skirts.
Funny story: many years ago when I had a shepherding call at my home, one brother criticized the skorts I was wearing! ....Here I was at home being casual! I had seen his own wife wear shorts at a picnic that were shorter than my skorts. I supposed some women were persecuted more than others because of their figure!
I take comfort that all this nonsense, drama and unnecessary grief is in the past.