... go full retard whenever an Arabic name appears on the autocue, and 'give it the full Arabic', so to speak?
Rageh Omar is a British Somali of Sunni Muslim heritage so it's understandable when he pronounces Arabic names with an Arabic pronunciation/accent.
But what about people who have nothing to do with Arabic - Huw Edwards, Emily Maitlis, Moira Stewart, etc.? They don't speak Arabic, do they?
Imagine if a Brit newsreader pronounced New York with a heavy Brooklyn accent, e.g. 'Noo Yowuk'.
Or how about saying 'Pa-REE' instead of 'Parriss', for Paris?
No Brit newsreader in their right mind would say Koeln (pronounced like 'Curln'), they'd say the English equivalent in an English accent: Cologne.
They wouldn't pronounce Berlin the German way ('Bear-LEEN'), they'd pronounce it the English way ('Burr-lynn').
So why the attempted guttural sounds and rolled 'r' of Arabic whenever 'Bahrain' or 'Hizb ut-Tahrir' comes on the screen?
The English pronunciation of Bahrain has a silent 'h' but that should be sufficient.
Is this what they learn in all those cultural sensitivity and diversity seminars?
I wouldn't bet against it ... after all, it is amusing listening to them say 'Pakistan' without saying 'P*ki' - they always say 'Pahkistan'.