Tony says the magical words “prayerfully considering”. What is “prayerful consideration”.
Presumably, this has been done many times even when they have gotten things wrong. Do they
have a Urim and Thummim method of knowing the correct interpretations? How can you
“prayerfully consider” a question and still get it wrong. It sounds like they operate like any other
human think tank except they pray between stages.
Consider facts.
Brainstorm (Actually speculate which is a privilege they reserve to themselves).
Pray Again.
Toss the Hail Mary instructions.
Well, I’ve got a few more questions the Governing body might like to pray over.
How could they make a statement like this:
“The Soviet Union disbanded; Russia came up from the rubble of the Soviet Union, along with
its allies
And fail to associate it with the entity described at Rev 13:3
And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death stroke got healed and all
the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. Vs 4b Who is like the wild beast and who can
do battle with it? Vs 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer
They have developed some rigid dogma that blinds them from making the connection. The
teaching that Babylon the Great is “The World Empire of False Religion” is absolutely wrong.
Daniel and Revelation deal with the time period right before the end. John said “By inspiration
I came to be in the Lords day” (Rev 1:10) Daniel was told to “ make secret the words until the
time of the end.” Daniel describes the final conflict as a battle between the King of the North
and the King of the South. Revelation describes the final conflict as a battle between a Beast-
King and Babylon the Great. Shouldn’t there be harmony between these two descriptions? There
is perfect harmony. The king of the North is an extension of the Roman Empire (the feet of iron
and clay - the Third Rome) while the king of the South is seen in Revelation as Babylon the
Great the richest most powerful political entity known as the United States. The United States is
the great consumer of the full stock of goods that keep the merchants of the world busy and rich. The
United States exercises hegemony over the kings of the earth. She rides the Wild Beast just like
the King of the South initiates the final battle by pushing (trying to control) the King of the
So, body of Governors keep praying sincerely that you can get this straightened out . It isn’t hard to
review Daniel and Revelation to see the parallels. Just think of who is doing what to whom.
The 7th head is Russia which emerged from the the 6th or Roman Empire. Read your history of
Rome 1 West – Rome 2 East Constantinople - Rome 3 North Russia mixed with 100
Russia is the seventh and also the eight by virtue of it having the death stroke and resurrection.
Russia is the Beast that appears as a Lamb when it comes out of the abyss or as Tony refers to it
= The Rubble. Later it speaks like a fearsome dragon. "Who is like the wild beast and who can
do battle with it. (Rev 13:4
The ten horns that haven’t received a Kingdom are the former soviet territories. It doesn’t
represent all the kingdom of the earth. If it did you couldn’t apply the statement “
have not received a kingdom” Russia gives significance to it’s former republics in the Eurasian
The king of the south disappears after the King of the North burns it with fire.
Also Governors, you will have to forget about the UN. The real beast that was, but is not and re-
emerges is Russia. You have deliberately mistranslated Revelation 17:11. Most translations
translates “And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king and ONE OF the
seven. NOT “springs from” the seven as if it were a combine of earthly kings. The eighth king is
indeed One of the Seven it is the Seventh King exercising authority as the eight king.
Keep praying.