Malawi/Mexico issue

by Free2Bme 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    I'm sure everyone is familiar with the info on Mexico and Malawi brought out by Ray Franz in Crisis of Conscience regarding military service plus the equally shocking info about Mexico and the Cultural crap.
    What I was hoping (to help me open my Witness mum's eyes) was some real life experiences from Mexican JW's at the time who can confirm the bribing went on with the full knowledge of the society or that they were going to the meetings with no prayers and bibles used etc.
    What were they told? How did they feel about the Malawi JW's being raped and murdered for not buying a card?
    Any info on either of the issues that elaborates on Crisis of Conscience would be appreciated.My mum is shocked about both of the them and I think she just can't let herself believe it!
    Is there any more info on it in Ray's next book cos I haven't read that yet unfortunately?



  • Fredhall


    His book is only good for toiletpaper.

  • zev

    much like your clothing, fred

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • Fredhall

    Much like your face Zev.

  • outnfree

    I have no personal experience with life in either of those countries (I DO remember a letter writing campaign promoted by the Watch Tower to the Malawian authorities protesting the violence, however!)

    Just wanted to let you know, Free, that In Search of Christian Freedom only mentions the Malawi and Mexico issues as footnotes in a chapter entitled Legalisim -- Opponent of Christian Freedom. The footnotes refer one back to Crisis of Conscience.

    Perhaps someone who roams many chat rooms and posts a lot of information (Scally? Tallyman?) will have the sorts of testimonials -- written or anecdotal -- for which you are looking.


  • Faraon

    I do not know if the following things were backed or not by the organization but,

    My flesh brother (who is still a JW) and used to live in Mexico asked me to give him my gasoline receipts for income tax purposes. He said it was OK with the Borg because everyone else was doing so.

    My wife bribed the officer in charge of testing people who wanted to get their driver's licence in Guadalajara, Mexico. She told me that the society allowed this because everybody in the country did so.

    I heard the rumor that the taking of vaccines was changed from mandatory to conscience in 1952 because the big wigs in Crooklin wanted to travel out of the country and they needed their vaccinations in order to travel outside of the country.

    In Mexico you need your military service card to travel outside of the country. Once you get it, though, you are a member of the reserves.

    If you see a tourist or permanent resident JW over 18 and under 40 in another country, he is legally a member of Mexico's army reserve. My nephew Abel is in this category.

    Illegal Mexicans 40 in the US can do field work but cannot be elders.

    Mexican legal immigrants under 40 can be elders. I don't know why since they are still members of Mexico's army reserve.


  • Celia

    You must read "In Search of Christian Freedom". Not much on Malawi/Mexico, but many examples of DF actions that have destroyed families. How about this 91 year old man that had been a Witness for over 50 years and was DF and shunned because he spoke about the Bible in private ? No Witness came to see him and help him anymore, 91 year old !!! Ah the love of the JWs...

  • Free2Bme

    Thanks to all
    (except Fredhall who needs improve his vocabulary as his remarks testify to a shortage of brain cells. I dunno about y'all but when I was in 'the truth' I certainly didn't have time to sit at a computer reading ex-JW stuff all day.He must sleep and eat with his pc. Is it a lap-top? Does he take it to toilet with him (it might explain the crap)?
    Thanks Faroan I'll show my mum your post.
    Hope to hear more on the subject especially from anyone who attended the cultural meetings.

    Bye 4 now


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Faraon,

    the story of JW's in Malawi compared to those
    in Mexico, is well documented in the wwweb, and our very dear
    friend, Fred knows it all.

    As for the details you gave, they are more proof
    of what went on and still goes one in some countries, but as usual
    the "true story never told to the brothers and sisters in the
    other parts of the world.

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • Free2Bme

    Hi all
    Just brought it to top again cause I wondered if anyone had any other info that adds to Crisis of Conscience.
    Please help me out if you can cause it's a big debate with my mum at the moment.




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