The one thing that annoys me most about being a jdub is the control Watchtower has over everyone.
For a start, there is absolutely no liberty in Christ. There is no freedom to openly express your own thoughts on scripture. There is the continuous brainwashing by means of Watchtower material. The constant control over every individual worldwide by seven deluded individuals living in the united states of America.
The fact that no one speaks out when some whacko answers up saying 'we must shun our own family members if they are disfellowshipped'. 👎
What annoys me most of all is that I actually like everyone at my hall. I don't have anything against them. Yet if I chose to simply relinquish my membership of the Watchtower Bible and tract Society, these same people would treat me like I had the plague! That's what grinds my gears the most!