lm surprised a documentary on world religions dealing with the specifics of each different religion hasnt been made.lm certain there would be many interested viewers.What do others think?
Cults like jw's need to be exposed for what they are.
by atomant 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There have been the odd documentaries here and there. I think in reality, it probably isn't 'money making' TV. Nobody is really interested in religion, I'm assuming. We are interested because we are survivors of a vile cult. Mainstream folk that haven't been abused by religion really aren't all that bothered. -
This one was good, but can't seem to catch them when they are on prime time tv. My partner will not watch these if they are on the internet, but if I could catch one (accidentally ) and DVR it or see it live, we could view it together and see it was not from the internet. Anyone know the next one to be broadcast?
An overall evaluation of the Watchtower Corporation is that it has been operating and conducting itself as an apostate organization directly against Jesus's own instructions toward preaching his Gospel. Since the beginning inception of this religious publishing house it has been conducting as commercialized false prophets by the bible's own description and has shown lies and deceptions in its progressive history by its orchestrative leaders. Jehovah's Witnesses are just subordinate servants to this imposing " Commercialized " Apostasy.