J Dublethink

by LoveUniHateExams 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi all. I'm just thinking of examples of JW doublethink.

    Here's one - JWs will tell a bible study or unbaptised publisher that there is no hierarchy within the org. They typically remark on christendom's hierarchy but then say 'we are all brothers'. But as a person gets further into the cult, JWs will constantly stress the need to obey the Governing Body.

    JW Hierarchy

    1. Governing Body

    2. [some crappy positions I can't quite remember]

    3. District Overseers

    4. Circuit Overseers

    5. Elders

    6. Rank & File

    7. Rank & File women

    8. Rank & File children

    Another example of doublethink - JWs will condemn other religions for having rituals, and maintain that the WTS is free of them. The reality is the Memorial - all members of my old congregation passed the bread and wine around but didn't take any of it, lol, even the brothers on the mikes would pass it to the speaker and themselves in order to not partake.

    Over to you.

    What you got?

  • Vanderhoven7

    I laugh when they say we have no leaders. Our leader is Christ they add.

    But in the next sentence they talk about those who take the lead...I.e., the GB.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You forgot:

    5.5 Elders' Wives

  • truth_b_known

    The greatest JW double think I can come up with is this -

    The Watchtower advocates in its printed publications for all people to examine their religion for the purpose of finding out whether or not it is "the truth". Conversely, the Watchtower and its leaders, the Governing Body, prohibit their followers from examining the teachings of the Watchtower for their accuracy. To simply question a belief of the Watchtower is to risk being shunned by their organization. Followers are advised to simply accept what they are told and to question it is to question God. In short, that is the central belief of all Protestant/Reformation/Evangelic Christian denominations - Never question those taking the lead as that is the same as questioning God.

    An unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates

  • Ding

    They really believe they are not following men.

    In reality, the whole JW religion is about following a small group of men without question.

  • Longlivetherenegades

    What makes a religion right is its total adherence to God’s Word. Whether our religion meets this criterion or not can only be determined by open-mindedly comparing it with the Bible.

    Certainly such an important matter as our worship of God should not be determined for us by the coincidence of where we were born. After all, the child born to Catholic parents has had no more control over this fact than the child born to Muslim parents controls that..........Awake 1984 November 22

    I wonder why the writer of this 1984 awake article didn't write the below this way

    Certainly such an important matter as our worship of God should not be determined for us by the coincidence of where we were born. After all, the child born to Catholic parents has had no more control over this fact than the child born to Jehovah's witnesses parents controls that.

    It just shows that whatever is applied to those outside is never to be applied to insiders. A very good point to show them how hypocritical they are when they shun family members who decided to leave the religious organization of JWs as they placed it in this article cited..........

    What makes a religion right is its total adherence to God’s Word.

    And when the children born by JWs finds out the religion they were born into didn't adhere totally to God's word. They get shunned and as it were become despicable apostates that goes up in smoke according to AM III

  • mynameislame

    don't have a lot of rules

    it's a conscience matter

    don't solicit donations

    free to leave

    not inspired\prophets

    other religions are a snare and a racket

    news is fake unless it promotes their agenda

    happiest people on earth

    are humble

    lying is wrong but it's only lying if the person being lied to deserves the truth

    believe the message is urgent

    love their neighbors

  • Phizzy

    By " Doublethink" I assume you mean what is called Cognitive Dissonance, and that abounds within the JW Org, see the List above in "mynameislame" 's Post, and that List is not exhaustive !

    It disturbed me as a JW to be dishonest with people, the public, so I rarely was, apart from the not revealing all about the Org.

    I'm sure it disturbs honest ones in the Org, the number of times and ways they have to use lies and deceit.

    As has been said many times, but it is pertinent, " If you have The Truth, you do not have to lie about it".

  • Vidiot

    Doublethink goes all the way up to the top.

    They know it's wrong...

    ...but believe it's true...

    ...at the same time.

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