Reasons why libertarians should not vote for Bush....part 1 of a series

by logansrun 3 Replies latest social current

  • logansrun

    Reason # 1 -- Do you really want this man to appoint Supreme Court Justices?

    Reason # 2 -- Patriot Act I

    Reason # 3 -- Patriot Act II

    Reason # 4 -- Prayer breakfasts

    Reason # 5 -- A Constitutional amendment defining marriage

    Reason # 6 -- Faith-based initiatives

    Reason # 7 -- Dick Cheaney

    Reason # 8 -- Banning cloning, stem-cell research and limiting reproductive rights

    ....there's more to come in the months ahead!


  • SixofNine

    *in my best Nigel Tufnels*

    My list would go to eleven.

  • rem

    lol @ six

    Is there ever a decent libertarian candidate on the ticket?


  • Swickley

    Bush's favorite Supreme Court Justices are Rendquist and Thomas -- who are about as far to the right as you can get. But one of Bush's nominees to the federal bench is even further to the right - if that's possible- and she is: Priscilla Owen. As a current Texas Supreme Court justice, she consistently votes AGAINST any decision in favor of workers, women's rights, small businesses, families, and consumers. Bush nominated her to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals [stepping stone to the Supreme Court] even though she had almost no experience in the appellate courts -- but she did have lots of OIL and GAS experience, and she's a religious zealot to boot. Big business is her name and screwing the little people is her game (no doubt "Kenny boy" loves her too).

    Senator Leahy (VT) describes her as follows:

    "...her record shows that in case after case involving a variety of legal issues, she is a judicial activist, willing to make law from the bench rather than follow the language and intent of the legislature. Her record of activism shows she is willing to adapt the law to her results-oriented ideological agenda."

    So far the democrats have kept her out by filibuster [note: Democrats have stopped two of President Bush's nominees, Republicans stopped 66 of President Clinton's.].

    For those who are concerned with individual liberties, making a decent wage, the right to address grievances in a court of law, freedom of choice, etc., please let your elected representative know that you do not want these type of judicial activists sitting on our federal courts.


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