Although df'd for almost 20 years my very much still a jw mother and I would have a discussion about my return to the org
from time to time. That ended when I revealed myself to be an apostate. How did I do that? We were having a discussion
about pedophiles in the organization. I was questioning why in most cases the authorities are not contacted and the rank
and file witnesses are not aware of the circumstances and the fact that there is a pedophile in their ranks. My brother in
law is an elder and at the time had a 15-16 year old daughter. My words to my mom were something to this effect you
know good and well that if Harold was on a judicial committee judging a child molester and the decision is made not to
make the information public, he would guarandamntee that his daughter would not ever be in a situation where she
could be sexually abused. If the man had a daughter and she was having a sleep over my niece would definitely not
be going. He would protect her at all costs however he would not give the rest of the congregation the same
opportunity to protect their daughters. She tried to argue that it was not the case but after a while she gave up because
she knew I was 100% right