Hi everyone. I have read all your comments on my threads regarding my decision to join any network marketing or multi-level marketing. Please I need as many replies from everyone on the board regarding my decision to join any network marketing or multi-level marketing. Are all network marketing bad? If so, I need many reasons why they are bad. You can reply up to 100 times or more. Secondly, what is the best job that you can suggest to me to do because I am only surviving and I am the only one that is to take care of my father and my mother. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing
by COLLINS 1 Replies latest jw friends
It's up to you to find evidence that something is legit. You'd be better trying to find a proper job that looking in an industry rife with ripoffs.
The repeated questions on the same thing are just becoming spam though. Read the previous replies you've had.