The Academy of Ideas has got to be one of my favorite YouTube channels, and due to his subject matter, he doesn't get a whole lot of views. But do give his playlists a watch.
Above, his video on brainwashing is clearly relevant to this forum about Jehovah's Witnesses. John Wesley and Pavlov's dog both come up.
Another very relevant video is "Neitzsche and the True World", a lecture that discusses belief in a spirit realm/afterlife as well as philosophies of history called "temporal true world theories", which JWs should find very, very familiar.
And I wouldn't leave you hanging there. Clearly the subject of that video involves nihilism. I'm not a religious person -- I am thoroughly done with the religion of my upbringing -- but neither am I nihilistic. Why not? Because I appreciate the positive thinking and overall philosophy of Stoicism, and even more personally, the Hero's Journey of Joseph Campbell makes a whole lot of inspirational sense to me. Your journey, however, begins with you.
Enjoy, everybody.