Does anybody know anything about Trevor Pope? He compiled some ideas from Jesse Hemery and wrote a book on end times called "A Bible Study Investigation into Our Relationship to God and into The Time Of The End" . Its interesting so far and its already hard enough to even find any writings about Hemery or info on his Goshen Fellowship. Is Trevor Pope alive? Is that even his name or is it a pseudonym? The book hints at Pope being a former witness himself.
Trevor Pope and Jesse Hemery
by BereanThinker7 4 Replies latest jw friends
Another swing and a miss lol
In a plug for the book in 2013 the publishers say this about Trevor Pope :
Trevor Pope the editor of this Bible study investigation has been an independent free Bible student for some seventy years. His current beliefs on the return of Jesus Christ were formed in studies and discussions in the 1950s with Jesse Hemery, one of the most respected Bible students of his generation. Hemery printed some of his thoughts privately, but they were never professionally published. Here they are commended to all Christians interested in the Lord’s return for they offer a broader understanding of the subject than is normally available.
Jesse Hemery was of course in charge of the UK branch during Russell's presidency. He was vice president of the IBSA a position he held till 1946, and Branch manager from 1901 to 1951. While working on an article for the Watchtower he came to the conclusion that most of Revelation was still future and published his ideas in 1951 outside of the Society's presses. He was disfellowshipped by Knorr later that year and died a few years later in 1955.
In 1951 he founded The Goshen Fellowship, and published the Journal Zion's Herald Journal of the Goshen Fellowship. The Goshen Fellowship would fall into the leadership of Frank Lewis Brown, whom I had a long distance relation with until his death some years ago.
I have all of the books and most of the journals and newsletters.
Trevor Pope was a student of Frank Lewis Brown. The Goshen Fellowship as far as I'm aware no longer exist. He's just a lone wolf, although he may have a small following.
Just seeing these replies now. Thanks for the info guys!!