Why can't Scarlett Johansson play a transgender character?!

by LoveUniHateExams 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Scarlett Johansson was cast to play a transgender role in some film or another.

    Recently she pulled out. I don't know whether she jumped or was pushed but trans activists, despite claiming to represent only 0.3% of the population, have quite a powerful voice.

    Do they want a trans actor to play the trans role, is that it?

    If Scarlett Johansson shouldn't play a trans role, does that mean a trans actor shouldn't play a cis role?

    Or does the trans lobby want to have their cake and eat it?

    Strange questions to ask as society starts, if not to disintegrate, then at least not to cohere.

    PS - my opinion is a film director should just hire the best actors for the job.

  • Nevuela

    Didn't you already post this?

    What I believe it boils down to is this: non-minority actors are discouraged from playing minority roles, period. Although there isn't nearly enough public outcry where it actually matters, such as when an able-bodied person portrays a disabled person. There really is no excuse to not hire an actual disabled person. Just because a studio wants a particular actor for the role doesn't excuse them for casting said actor. For example, why is it so important for, say, George Clooney to play a paraplegic? And why is it more important than letting an actual paraplegic play the part?

  • hybridous

    I agree.

    Did you ever see Neil Patrick Harris play Barney Stinson? Freaking masterful!

    Ought we have missed these performances because Mr. Harris is just a gay man, and not a real-life, hetero serial womanizer?

    I'd hate to be leaving real talent on the sidelines because of 'other considerations'. What a waste it would be...

  • Bad_Wolf
    For example, why is it so important for, say, George Clooney to play a paraplegic? And why is it more important than letting an actual paraplegic play the part?

    Why does George Clooney worth around 500 million and get paid so much when they can find another actor who will do his roles for a tiny fraction of the cost?

  • Nevuela

    Bad_Wolf You just further proved my point. Why waste all that money on an A-list actor? If people are only paying to see a film because it features George Clooney or whoever, then that's their problem for being so shallow that they value a big name over a compelling story.

    The only actors that are really worth paying to see specifically are comedians. Anyone can make you smile or frown or cry as long as the plot calls for them to do so, but very few can truly make a person laugh. Why do you think comedians receive so much more criticism than any other actors? Controversial material aside. It always comes down to whether or not they are seen as funny.

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