I just read a thread somewhere on here that someone has been accepted to Bethel service along with his wife. His wife has, of course, been assigned to work in the laundry room. Which compels me to write this little post.
Now, i dont consider myself a "feminist" as such, but i definitely believe in equality. Growing up in this organization in which women are not permitted to give talks, say open prayers in the presence of a man without covering her head, conduct a family study in the presence of her husband and other things makes me wonder the how many talented women who could have been really effective teachers and speakers have they missed out on simply because they're female? When it comes to giving talks, a different perspective in priceless. A woman's perspective is never heard from the platform, and that's a shame.
Even in the bible there were female prophets. Surely if there is a God he'd still use women today wouldn't he?
They've placed this woman in the laundry dept. She could just have easily been assigned to drive the delivery truck, work in the printing factory, writing dept, art dept anything really.
If there is a God, i really, REALLY hope it's female. I'd love people to float up to Her presence and go "...oh..............."