More proof the Bible is bunk.
by Crazyguy 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
We all know about the story of the tower of Babel where by God confused the languages to make men spread out and stop building the tower. Well when one studies the languages of the near east he will find that all the languages we're from one common language akkadian. All semedic and even Sanskrit can be traced back to akkadian. The Hittites which spoke more of a European style language still wrote and could understand Akkadian. The evolution of the languages show just that, languages that evolved over time, not a sudden we're speaking English and now Chinese like the Bible would have you believe. This area of the world wrote in Akkadian all the way up until the Greek conquest by Alexander. If you do not want to believe in the evolution of the human species then consider the evolution of language. -
And these are the things that woke me the hell up way back when -
Of course, the bible is just a observational reference from one ancient civilization's structured mythological beliefs.
Unfortunately religionists particularity the ones trying to cultivate their own power and reverence are usually not inspired to be intellectually honest about why these scribed writings were done so toward their original expressive intent.
All religious beliefs are usually composed of appealing bullshit, which effects people's emotions, thoughts and fears, that's what makes and creates their own appealing stature of believably .
All semedic and even Sanskrit can be traced back to akkadian.
Do yourself a favor and go visit Wikipedia or something of the sort.
Your statement is totally wrong. Factually, it sounds ignorant.
Hamito-Semitic is a separate language family tree.
Sanskrit is Indo-European, like Latin and Greek.
On one hand you have your branching language trees for the great families of languages and paleo-linguists can make assumptions as to what the common parent language may have looked like (or sounded like, of course). Then you have language isolates which show no affinity to any other known language.
If you're going to attempt to debunk the Tower of Bable account you might do well to at least be informed of the facts that modern experts in linguistics have published.
Total side point and a piece of advice as I have no dog in this fight at the moment but telling someone to go visit Wikipedia is pretty much the worst thing you can do.
Is it factual...sometimes but it is wrong a lot as well. You have to take it with a grain of salt.
I've corrected things myself and then the same idiots come through and change it back to the false information over and over.
Bottom line it can't unequivocally trusted. Perhaps an accredited source from a university study in linguistics would be better.
Oppostate, the information I have read states that Sanskrit is related to Akkadian, maybe it is maybe not, the Hittite language is not which I stated but they did write in Akkadian. Wasn't the point of the story to get people to not be able to cummunicate so they would leave. Side piont I know the story is really a rip off a a story about the God enki changing the language of one city in ancient Sumeria. But again study the languages of the Levant and you'll see no sudden dramatic change.